I am using Asterisk 1.8.15-cert3 and TL STE being used solely as a fax server. I wrote the fax server myself and it runs as a seperate Webmin module that passes fax transmissions to Asterisk using the AMI. Its very straight forwarded. Its a big-assed server with 16 cores and 16 GB of RAM. I've been able to successfully transmit 700 simultaneous faxes at once without a problem. The problem that I'm having is that after all the faxes have been sent, Asterisk executes a FastAGI script that logs some data to MySQL. Its a very simple script. That's when Asterisk dumps core. Sp my questions are this. (1) Is there any way that I can increase the number of FastAGI scripts that Asterisk can handle, and (2) does anyone have any expertise or advice in analyzing core dumps? Any insight at all would be greatly appreciated.
Submitted by eeman on Sun, 09/29/2013
theres already a voipinfo wiki on debugging a core dump... thats how you can glean clues as to what causes your crashes.