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Assign telephone after extension is created

Posted by mattdarnell on Thu, 11/29/2007

Is there a way to get the GUI to create the phone configs after the extension has been created?

I can put in the MAC address when creating the extension, but not when editing.


Submitted by thirdlane on Fri, 11/30/2007 Permalink

Generating a default registration and mapping it to a device if MAC was specified when creating extensions is just a shortcut.

As Chris noted, use Tools -> Auto Provisioning if you need to do more. There you get the device centric picture and can attach multiple registrations/extensions to different lines on the phone - is that what you are looking for?

Submitted by George on Sat, 12/01/2007 Permalink

Chris - Alex - Yes

Alex, no - when I create an extension, I add the phone type and the MAC, but it never shows up in the interface for that extension or in the provisioning page.. you have to delete the extension and re-create to change the devise..

Alex we talked about this months ago, you said it was a bug in the system, I was inquiring about a timeline to get this corrected so it could be edited my the Tenant Admin..