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Attendant transfer on queue calls.

Posted by diffen on Tue, 05/24/2011


We have had a setup where we have Agents that are static in a queue. Then we use an IVR and no.1 to access feature code *21.

So a person with a cellphone calls the IVR press 1 and the agent id. Then the cellphone are a queue member. It works perfectly.

The agent can now transfer calls but only using ## for blind transfer. If the agent uses #* for attendant transfer the call is hung up. There is no strange messages or anything in the log, the call just drops when pressing #*.

I am using the queue command t for transfer.

In features.conf it looks like this regarding transfer:

blindxfer => ## ; Blind transfer
atxfer => #* ; Attended transfer
disconnect => #0 ; Disconnect
automon => #9 ; One Touch Record

does anyone have a clue if i have missed something out?

Submitted by diffen on Tue, 05/24/2011 Permalink

This is what i see in the log right after i have pressed #*:

Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '645a6f9c17e4a63c0a0c78f23d9d44bd@ip' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE)
set_destination: Parsing for address/port to send to
set_destination: set destination to ip-to-pstn-gw, port 5060

Then the pbx sends a BYE to the pstn-gw.

Strange if i use ## it works perfectly.

Hmmm for some reason the queue option h are default set to the queue and when I press * the call hangs up. So I solved the problem by remove the blind transfer and then using ## for attendant transfer.