I use TL MTE. I use Aastra phones. Could someone shed some light on how to use BLF and SpeedDial Template. How do I name those templates $mac$.cfg ( i guess not)?
Thanks in Advance
I did exactly what you
I did exactly what you suggested. Do i need to make any changes to aastra_blf.cfg and aastra_speeddial.cfg file? Do these files get downloaded to the phone? I created a separate folder for configuration file and copied aastra.cfg, aastra_blf.cfg, aastra_speeddial.cfg, aastra_phone.cfg, aastra_line.cfg to /tftpboot folder.
I made change to auto-provisioning header in TL but its the same results. Any ideas?
you did it all wrong, you
you did it all wrong, you don't copy ANYTHING from the/etc/asterisk/provisioning directory to your tftpboot, the act of provisioning a phone from the interface does that for you. Thats why they are called templates.
i believe the templates are already done for aastra, you just need to specify the button type when provisioning the phone.. ie button 1 is a line, button 2 is a speed dial, button 3 is a BLF. Models.txt specifies which file is the template and their content is substituted as a variable in the main cfg file.