is there a limit to how many BLF's i should have running on my thirdlane MTE? just wondering since i setup a couple of customers with ~10 phones each, and they each had a BLF for each other phone on the tenant... and watching the state changes running by made me wonder if it was going to bog down the system at a certain point (i understand everything will bog down the system at a "certain" point, but im ondering if blf's have a lower threshold for that)
thanks as always
yes in theory you could bog
yes in theory you could bog the system down. When people ask me what the capacity is on a system like this I always have to qualify an estimation with a statement that essentially says 'it depends'. For if your system is set up as simply as possible, with very little chan_local, etc you could realize 10000 handsets and 1000 concurrent calls. Doing this sort of thing obviously cuts into that number.
From past forum threads I don't think MTE is supposed to be used to support BLF. I think there are some security issues. The general consensus was to deploy the single tenant for that purpose.