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Change some playing fromats

Posted by moshe on Mon, 11/15/2010

i recently bumped into a few similar issues and the easiest work around would be to add some file greetings

In call screening Also add to voice file tl/say-name please say your name than press pound otherwise it records like forever and the caller and than the callee have to wait till the entire greeting/recoding end to accept or reject

And in cal forwarding add to to voice file 'tl/please-enter-your at the tone please enter ……… at the end of tl/then-press-pound should play the tone, same with tl/enter-target add at the tone enter target …………. at the end of tl/then-press-pound should play the tone otherwise people start dialing prior to completion of the sound file and causes wrong target points and it is a trouble shooting nightmare

I'm not sure the approach either to edit the media files or to add playing files

any input
