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Posted by brian on Tue, 02/23/2010


Quick question, I'm setting up a conference. I have got all the caveats worked out with timing, running dahdi now and it's working perfectly. I create the conference and the options..

2 files are updated:

-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 948 2010-02-23 22:13 meetme.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 270 2010-02-23 22:13 meetme.txt

I can't get the various conference room options to take effect.

Where is asterisk meant to get the conference options from?


Submitted by k3leland on Tue, 02/23/2010 Permalink

The MeetMe Application that is called from inside the dialplan accepts options. When you create a new conference room through the thirdlane gui, the options that you specify only take affect when dialing the conference extension from an internal phone.

For instance I have created a conference room 6300 and here are some of the respective changes. Note the options (MIx):

extensions.include:exten => 6300,1,Macro(tl-dialconference,6300,MIx,) ; Dial conference

If you want to make that conference room available from a DID for instance, and you want the same options to apply, then you would have to add the options you want on the "Create Inbound Route" screen.

For instance I added a DID 9966 that rings to 6300 and applied the options on the inbound route. Here are the respective config file changes:

inbound_actions.include:exten => 9966,n(nomoh),Macro(tl-dialconference,6300,MIx,)

So in a nutshell, the conference room configs do *not* follow the conference room, but instead they need to be applied on each way you can join the conference.

Submitted by eeman on Tue, 02/23/2010 Permalink

if you are talking about the options in the gui for the conference room they are added into the dialplan via the tl-dialconference-prompted ... you can either let it prompt for room number OR specify the room number and let the script just set all those options you set up in the gui.