Any body has an idea how do me configure different ring tones for different options.
I mean from the IVR if i select option 1 the phone user should listen one ring tone if i select option 2 the phone should give different ring tone. we are using polycom phones.
I their any way we can do this
can any one help me this...
Submitted by eeman on Thu, 03/25/2010
Submitted by moshe on Sun, 03/28/2010
You may create a feature code
You may create a feature code for each option with add text to prepend to caller I'd so the oprator will know which option the call comes from
Submitted by ramesh on Mon, 03/29/2010
with MASSIVE custom programming. You have to stick with a single series of phone as every manufacturer has different methods and possibly differ between models. You are also limited to a finite number of tones on a phone.
It is much cheaper and much simpler to do callerid-name prepending to identify an option.