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ERROR in CLI: manager.c:1095 authenticate: tried to authenticate with nonexistent user 'internal'

Posted by beedsley on Tue, 08/16/2011

Seeing this repeatedly come up in the CLI and would like to get rid of the clutter.

Can anyone get us some direction on how to resolve this minor issue?

Submitted by eeman on Fri, 08/19/2011 Permalink

turn off that extra statistical crap that came with the ISO, mostly the munin stuff. Its trying to login to a user that doesnt exist in manager.conf. Its garbage statistics anyway. A 5 min snapshot does nothing to explain what happens in between those moments. Its ok when taking a 5min snapshot of a cisco router that is already calculating a load average every 5min. Its not ok to use the same method every 5min on raw data as anything could happen between those moments. Analyzing CDR records is an extremely more accurate method of determining things like concurrent call counts, etc.

Submitted by rfrantik on Tue, 08/23/2011 Permalink

So you are recommending shutting Munin off all together?

I was hoping you had some tweaks for the config file.