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Posted by brian on Thu, 07/14/2011


TL - asterisk

I had a customer today that I was changing a huntgroup on and issued a reload.

The customer rang me 15 minutes later to tell me that they were no longer getting BLF for their parking lots or two extensions.

I checked extensions.include and sure enough the parking hints were missing:

;Parked Calls
exten => 701,hint,park:701@parkedcalls
exten => 702,hint,park:702@parkedcalls
exten => 703,hint,park:703@parkedcalls
exten => 704,hint,park:704@parkedcalls
exten => 705,hint,park:705@parkedcalls
exten => 706,hint,park:706@parkedcalls

and also the reference to the last two extensions were also missing.

exten => 301,1,Macro(tl-userexten,SIP/301,301,)
exten => 301,hint,SIP/301
exten => 302,1,Macro(tl-userexten,SIP/302,302,)
exten => 302,hint,SIP/302

I am the only person with ssh access to the box and I certainly didn't remove them

The customer changes hold music and other small bits but nothing else.

I checked last nights backup and the code was still missing so I would think this happened a while back and it's the reload today that brought it up.

Any idea how this would happen? Its a bit worrying.

Should I do an include for the parking hints rather than put them at the bottom?

I've been using TL a lot and never had an issue like this before, perhaps something in this latest version?

Thanks in advance.


Submitted by eeman on Thu, 07/14/2011 Permalink

hints have to go in the local-extensions context for them to work as thats whats referenced in sip.conf

Submitted by brian on Thu, 07/14/2011 Permalink

Hi Erik,

They are in [local-extensions] in extensions.include

The issue is that at some point the bottom part of the [local-extensions] got removed.

The BLF for extension 301/302 and also for parked calls stopped working.

When I examined extensions.include

exten => 301,1,Macro(tl-userexten,SIP/301,301,)
exten => 301,hint,SIP/301
exten => 302,1,Macro(tl-userexten,SIP/302,302,)
exten => 302,hint,SIP/302

;Parked Calls
exten => 701,hint,park:701@parkedcalls
exten => 702,hint,park:702@parkedcalls
exten => 703,hint,park:703@parkedcalls
exten => 704,hint,park:704@parkedcalls
exten => 705,hint,park:705@parkedcalls
exten => 706,hint,park:706@parkedcalls

was missing.

As I said I'm the only person with ssh access to the box so it looks like at some point PBX manager removed these lines from the config.
