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Follow another route that is already made...

Posted by IVSCOMM on Wed, 06/09/2010

Is there a way to use another route that is already made?

For instance I have a DID of 777-555-1234 with a fairly complex route.

the customer had a toll free and a couple of other numbers that followed the same route.
(I brought the toll free in as a DID)

Rather than create copies of the route to all the other DIDs, is there a way to just say the tollfree and the other numbers use the same route as 777-555-1234.

That way if the route changes I only have to make one change instead of 3 or 4

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 06/09/2010 Permalink

its a pretty easy script to make right...

exten => s,1,Goto(from-outside-redir,${ARG1},1)

and arg 1 is just the new TN