Hello All,
I am trying to configure the FTP backup including recorded call and voicemails. When recorded call and voicemails are not selected the backup completes correctly. When I add the record calls and voicemail I get the message "Error: server returned invalid JSON response" I have searched around a bit and cannot find anything useful on this condition. Any advice is appreciated... I am a relative noobie to Asterisk\Thirdlane so please try to dumb it down for me. Thanks in advance!
Hi James,
Looks like you are reporting a bug :). It is possible that FTP fails and we are not reporting the real reason correctly. Is there anything in /var.webmin/miniserv.error file that may be indicative of a problem?
Do you get an error when you are running a backup without using FTP but including recorded calls and voicemail?
Would it be possible to connect to your box so one of us at Thirdlane could take a look at the problem?