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Greater than 12 Character Tenant Names Break user_provisioning/${TENANT} override

Posted by rx4change on Thu, 12/08/2011

Just as stated above for MTE latest release.

It appears that using a 13 character or greater name for a tenant will break the user of /etc/asterisk/user_provisioning/${LONGTENANTNAME}

12 characters or less seem to work, but the override is for ${TENANT}-settings.cfg on Polcyom, for instance, doesn't appear to be picked up when the tenant name is 13 or more characters.

Anyone run into this?

Submitted by eeman on Fri, 12/09/2011 Permalink

interesting... I think its a good limitation, albeit new news to me. Is this in all versions? I'd actually like to see the screen where you pick the tenant name alter to keep this 12 character limitation as opposed to fixing the provisioning code. The tenant name is part of someone's login to the user portal. Seriously why wouldn't you try to make that as short of an acronym as possible.


why would you dump such a task on a user? Its the same argument that people have against very long domain names when tying in an email address.

most of my tenants names are 3 - 6 characters long.