Is this even possible?
I have Car Dealership A (CD-A) with a standalone box using T1's for Trunks because they don't want to be reliant on the internet (just let it go.)
They have another CD-B That is setup identical to CD-A.
And another CD-C also identical.
They want CD-A to be able to dial CD-B and CD-C by dialing a code and an extension to reach one of the other dealerships.
For instance all CD's have an extension 200 to dial CD-Bx200 from CD-A you would dial an access code and then the extension like 30200 you would immediately ring to CD-B's extension 200.
Extension to extension calls can go over the internet. If they lose internet service they can still make calls just not to another extension at another store.
Hope I was clear enough. Ask questions and I will try and clear it up.
your better off insisting on
your better off insisting on unique extensions.. perhaps 4-digit ones
1200 - CD-a
2200 - CD-b
3200 - CD-c
1200 - cd-a
1400 - cd-b
1600 - cd-c
your solution is a lot simpler this way
What mechanism do I use to link them?
That's what I was leaning toward probably 4 or 5 digit.
However, what mechanism do I use to link them?
create trunks between them,
create trunks between them, use outbound dialing patterns like _32XX and use the 1-trunk-passthrough script.
31200 would dial CD-Cx200
From CD-B you could dial CD-A by dialing 32200 or CD-B by dialing 30200
so on and so forth...
Clear as mud right?