i have created the inbound routes with did the call is landing on asterisk box but it is not going to th right destination in the asterisk cli i am getting an out put like this
Executing [s@from-outside:1] Wait("SIP/R354590-b7612d50", "1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-outside:2] Set("SIP/R354590-b7612d50", "__INCOMINGCLI=6099455925") in new stack
-- Executing [s@from-outside:3] Goto("SIP/R354590-b7612d50", "from-outside-redir|s|1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-outside-redir,s,1)
[Feb 20 13:17:30] WARNING[20368]: pbx.c:2470 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/R354590-b7612d50' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'from-outside-redir', but no invalid handler
Submitted by eeman on Fri, 02/20/2009
creating new threads every hour for the exact same questions you have asked and been responded on will only piss off those willing to take the time to help you and likely get you banned from the forums. You have already asked this same question in 3 other threads. See one of those for your answer.