I have a very annoying issue: When I try to set the email address for an extension where the domain is longer than 3 digits (i.e local ) , GUI complains with the message: "Email Address is not specified or is invalid. It is required when voicemail notification by email is enabled"
For example, if the email is user@email.com works fine but if the email is user@email.local doesn't work
Needless to say the email I am using is correct.
is there an easy way to fix this? Something I can modify in the backend source code to prevent email validation ?
email is validated by
email is validated by checkEmail in file validate.js - you can just make it return false
Thanks for your prompt response, I found two validate.js files in the server:
and found checkEmail which I modified and set return false;
then, I reloaded the webmin service...
... however, it is still trying to validate the email...
I set some code on validate.js in order to check if this file was being used and I noticed it is not used at all. Can you please let me know if there is another place I need to change code?
Well, I was wrong about the
Well, I was wrong about the validate.js - email address is no longer validated there and this has to be changed in our code.
It is actually hard to validate email address without being too restrictive so I wonder whether we should simply "relax" email checking and just check for the @ in the middle. Another option is to stay strict but just warn users when validation fails - instead of producing an error.
This is the Communication Manager