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Multiple Outbound DID Personalities on a single Extension

Posted by vcg5090 on Thu, 09/22/2011


I have a customer that has 3 different businesses. They need to be able to press a button on the phone for the corresponding company so the DID for that company will be sent over caller id to the called party. I am using Yealink T28 phones and have setup the BLF fields for the 4 other extensions as well. I am also using an Edgemarc 250 SBC and have set the proxy for that as well. What would be the suggested method of doing this type of setup? I tried the special line concept but it only shows the main company DID when i call out using that line button.

Thanks For Any Help On This....

Submitted by moshe on Thu, 09/22/2011 Permalink

Create a custom script for outbound routes to set the CALLERID (you could insert it as an argument so it will be reusable) than create a ourboud route with a digit prefix and when the custiomer will press that digit before he dials a number the other CID will show. Note that the extension need to be set to show original callers caller I'd in user portal of the extension since it is using the same concept