I have some NEC SIP Handsets. They ahve a standard SIP load on them, when I connet them to MTE, and make a call, the display shows a long Alpha Numeric code on the screen. The same goes for inbound calls to the phone, external or internal. Once the handset starts ringing, a similar code is displayed. The code is alwys different, maybe the SIP reference of the call. I have also connected the same telephone to Freeswitch and AsteriskNOW, and all works correctly. I am manually provisioning the phone.
Chris A
Mte is 1.4 and asterisknow is
Mte is 1.4 and asterisknow is 1.6 my 1.4 is not current, I will try upgrading. I thought maybe mte was altering the SIP header.
Are there any success stories with 1.6 and mte? I was planning on holding out for 1.8, after your previous post.
i have a customer that just
i have a customer that just rolled out a 2nd mte cluster, this time build on by the time pbx manager rolls out it will support the new parking (though if you upgrade you have to manually turn on the feature the first time and retro-fix existing tenants).
Hi Erik, If I upgrade to 1.6.
Hi Erik,
If I upgrade to 1.6. Will I need to alter anything in order foer MTE to work, either on MTE or in Asterisk?
Chris A
You have to manually
You have to manually reinstall the thirdlane webmin module So that the postinstall script can modify your files.
Okay, The problem is not
Okay, The problem is not asterisk or MTE. It is the Ingate unit I have infront of MTE.
Chris A
if it worked fine in asterisknow then it works fine in thirdlane.. its the exact same sip channel driver. Compare your versions of asterisk.