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One way audio issue

Posted by Lucas Stutesman on Tue, 08/18/2015

We are setting up our system and I have about 4 tenants on it so far.

We have it directly connected to the ISP(no filtering or blocking of any kind) and all of the tenants use the same SIP trunk.

I have one tenant(tenant A) with over 100 extensions that have one way audio.
This is a sudden change as it was working correctly last week.
The receiving audio is gone. Same result regardless of IP to IP call and outside of network call.
Happens on inbound and outbound calls.
All the other tenants work fine and the settings appear to be the same on all tenants.

I can take one phone and connect an extension to each tenant. Tenant A doesn't work while all others do off the same phone.

Typically one way audio is a routing issue, but I don't see anything that would make tenant routing any different from one another.

Packet captures on the phone don't show anything odd. Looks like a normal call.

Any Ideas?

Submitted by Lucas Stutesman on Tue, 08/18/2015 Permalink

I can even build a tenant based on Tenant A as the template, change nothing except adding 1 extension. And it works.

Submitted by raven on Tue, 08/18/2015 Permalink

Sounds like the partition is corrupted somehow. I don't know if you can do this unless you did a backup when the system was virgin (highly suggested), if you did you might try going back and rebuilding it.
What Tenant Number is it?

Submitted by Lucas Stutesman on Tue, 08/18/2015 Permalink

2, they were the first tenant we added.
We have just been building the tenants to move over from our current system so thankfully only about 5 of their 100 extensions are currently active.

Have you heard of this happening often? A tenant getting corrupted seems like a big deal.

Submitted by raven on Tue, 08/18/2015 Permalink

I haven't seen it on mine, but it may be because Tenant 2 on all of my systems is used as the 'Cloning Tenant'. I keep Tenant 1 Thirdlane as it comes and never change it. I make Tenant 2 the cloning tenant. I make all of my general changes here that I want to clone. Then I always reference only that one to clone.

Submitted by raven on Tue, 08/18/2015 Permalink

It is possible that I ran into the same issue and through trial and error came up with the procedure.
But that was 2007....

Submitted by Lucas Stutesman on Tue, 08/18/2015 Permalink

got it.
When I made the first couple extensions by hand and tested them they worked. Then my colleague did a bulk add for the rest of them. This made it so they didn't have a NAT-yes statement by default.

Once I figured that out I was able to do a mass update and add the NAT statement to all the bulk added extensions and they seem ok now,

I knew it was a routing issue with NAT I just couldn't find it.

Thanks for your help.

Submitted by Lucas Stutesman on Wed, 08/19/2015 Permalink

On that note, the mass update has a NAT checkbox while the individual extensions don't.

When I checked the box in mass update it doesn't show any change on the normal extension even though it applies it.

Not sure if that was intentional or not, but would be nice to be able to see the applied change.