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Outbound route, how does the system know which one

Posted by jesperkjeldsen on Fri, 03/18/2011

If a have two outbound routes, one with the pattern _. and another with _*1. how does the system know which one to dial if I dial *1number?
Does it choose the one which is most accurate or do I have to be lucky and hope it chooses the right ;-)


Submitted by eeman on Fri, 03/18/2011 Permalink

rule number 1, never use _. as a pattern. This warning is repeated in the CLI, in every book there is. When you use a pattern of _. you cause bad things to happen including replacing hidden dialplan features such as timeout, hangup, invalid, etc.

now if your pattern was _XX. and _3X., the answer is:

asterisk matches in order of most specific to least specific in the current context, then proceeds to search through the contexts that appear as:

include => context