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queue in a huntlist timeout

Posted by Wender on Mon, 03/01/2010

I made a huntlist where i used the option to add a queue in a huntlist, i have set the How long to ring to 30 sec, and the if no one answers i have set to go to voicemail.
when i call this huntlist the call goes to the queue but it doesnt go to the voicemail after 30 seconds, how can this be possible?
PBX Manager, Asterisk 1.4.29

Submitted by eeman on Mon, 03/01/2010 Permalink

because a queue timeout is a combination of agent timeout, agent retry and the timeout value of the Queue() application. 30 seconds seems like an overly short duration, what were you hoping to gain from a Queue() that you would not gain from a 30 second ring group?

Submitted by Wender on Mon, 03/01/2010 Permalink

we want to use the queue so that the receptionists can edit the phones that ring either using agents or iSymphony,
at the moment we are using ring groups for our inbound dialplan but we want to change this to using queues, in time we plan to have a queue that lasts longer then 30 seconds.
so how do the agent timeout\retry effect the time before the if no one answers configuration get used?