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Recommended Phones for Thirdlane

Posted by RMSI on Wed, 08/10/2011


What phones do you recommend for Thirdlane? We currently use Yealink T26 phones, but the BLF is not reliable for our current Trixbox applications. Our clients generally demand BLF phones with DND, which brings me to another question: Is there a way to enter DND and have the BLF go busy on the other phones? I have not been able to produce that with our demo download. Thanks!

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 08/10/2011 Permalink

no, DND is not the same thing as 'in use' so no asterisk based system is going to show 'in use' during a DND state. DND on a phone simply returns a sip '486 Busy Here' message when you call it. Sometimes you can make a phone instead dial a feature code to set a database value of your extension to DND but this can be obfuscated by not showing you the actual state of the extension.

Submitted by RMSI on Thu, 08/11/2011 Permalink

Thanks for the response Erik. Since this is a deal breaker with many of my clients who use the DND as an "Out of office" tool to tell the receptionist they are gone, what would it take to install this feature in Asterisk? Also, what phones do you suggest with BLF buttons?


Submitted by phoetger on Thu, 09/22/2011 Permalink


For us, BLF works best on Polycom and Snom Phones. (They show the correct state and call pickup works great on them.)

We tried some Cisco phones but for some reason the BLF does not seem to function completely. BLF will have to be set on the cisco phone by using a string: "fnc=blf+cp+sd...." BLF ad SD works, but we could not get the call pickup to work :-(...

We are using ISymphony as well and it is a really great operator panel, I'd recommend them over anything else.
