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remove transfer option in Queue app

Posted by remiq on Thu, 08/05/2010

I am using go to Queue in the IVR section and I would like to remove the transfer option that gets set. Is there a way I can remove this?

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 08/05/2010 Permalink

you can define the queue as a script in a feature code (like feature code 601) .. then set the IVR option to go to feature code.

Submitted by thirdlane on Wed, 08/11/2010 Permalink

You can always use "go to feature code" for things where you need to set some options and IVR screen does not allow you to do that. An alternative for us would be to allow script selection in IVR - it would be quite powerful but would make the IVR screen too cluttered and complicated for typical users.

Submitted by remiq on Thu, 08/12/2010 Permalink

Could you instead define a global variable QUEUE_OPTIONS and we can change it under default values instead of it being hard coded?

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 08/12/2010 Permalink

remiq, you have a few options actually.

1) ivr says go to featurecode 300 and 300 is setup exactly the way you want
--- I really prefer this method because then you can transfer people to extension 300 if you need to transfer them to the queue

2) IVR menu as it is now with default options

3) use Custom Command in IVR making it just like 2 except you are typing in Queue(queuename) with the options you perferr.

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 08/12/2010 Permalink

Could you instead define a global variable QUEUE_OPTIONS and we can change it under default values instead of it being hard coded?

this doesn't scale into MTE. What if people then started insisting on a different [globals] for every queue for every tenant? that would be a disaster. Plus you never ever ever want to let a tenant ever touch your globals section.

arguably you could/should probably ask for Tt to be removed entirely as DTMF transfers are something only needed by analog devices which isnt going to be the queue. A compromise would be perhaps only 't' instead of 'T'. No reason why the calling party should be able to transfer calls from inside a queue.

Submitted by kenlee on Mon, 08/16/2010 Permalink

Currently, the options (itT) for queues that are set up from ivr are hard coded in encrypted code and are not configurable anywhere in the web interface.

I understand the feature code alternative, and this what we are doing now, but this has a downside which is that feature codes are overly complicated for customers.

The Global variable idea, while not optimally flexible, is a big improvement over the value being hard-coded in encrypted code, and would allow our customers to choose "go to queue" from inside the IVR configuration.