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Thirdlane and sudo integration

Posted by colward on Thu, 10/08/2015

I have problems integrating Thirdlane with sudo security.
In my office we have a Thirdlane 6.11.12 and we integrated the webmin security with ldap and sudo, in order to validate users via ldap and to permit access to webmin and Thirdlane admin webpage to ldap users. We hadn't any problem in all this time with this integration.

Now we have installed a new server with the last version ( and repeated all the configuration process to integrate the new server with ldap and sudo. In the new version we can login into webmin with a ldap user without problem, accessing to all menus, to all servers, but not to the thirdlane admin webpage. We can only with webmin users, no ldap users.

The steps we followed to make integration are:
- activate pam_ldap security in /etc/pam.d/webmin
- activate pam in /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf (no_pam=0)
- activate sudo users as root in Webmin -> Webmin Users -> Unix User Authentication

Those steps were enough in Thirdlane 6.11. Do we need additional steps or special configurations to make it works in Thirdlane 7.3??


César Pinto

Submitted by thirdlane on Sat, 10/24/2015 Permalink

Hi Cesar,

Thirdlane 7.x uses database to store user information and authenticate users, so I am afraid this may conflict with pam.

Could you specify in more detail what are you trying to achieve - perhaps we can look at that.