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webmin module installation prerequisites

Posted by justdave on Mon, 09/27/2010

We just tried to install the webmin module version of Thirdlane PBX Manager on a new box (after installing the webmin-minimal version of webmin so it just has the core engine), and when I've done this in the past, webmin's installer prompted us that thirdlane required the net module and said to install that first. With (on webmin 1.520) we did not get this prompt. It happily installed Thirdlane's module without it, and then errored saying it was missing the first time we tried to run it. Is there a dependency setting missing in the current webmin module package?

Submitted by eeman on Mon, 10/11/2010 Permalink

it might be webmin that changed? The net module has definitely been used for a very long time. Some other packages i would highly recommend:

mysql module (so you can do backups)
backup configuration files module (again, for more backup and ability to list your provisioning directory in this backup tar file)
Perl Modules module (so you can install the Net::SSLEay perl module and use HTTPS)

I usually use the Backup Configuration File module and include my provisioning directory, isymphony configs, the mysql files I backed up 2hrs before midnight, and other misc important things in addition to selecting things like network configuration, unix users, etc, to an offsite FTP location.