We have been unable to create extensions in Thirdlane for a while now
I can edit existing extensions without a problem
When filling out the details and clicking save, no error appears but the extension is also not created
If I use the import sheet I get a -1 error
Using v8.0.3.10
Please let me know if you need any further information
Submitted by jakeness on Thu, 10/19/2017
Submitted by thirdlane on Sun, 10/22/2017
I suggest updating to the
I suggest updating to the latest version first, then we could take a look at what is going on.
Submitted by matthewmalk248 on Mon, 10/23/2017
Shot in the dark here, but
Shot in the dark here, but did you check ownership of all the files in your /etc/asterisk directory to make sure they are all asterisk:asterisk?
Submitted by thirdlane on Tue, 10/24/2017
there was a bug in -
there was a bug in - please run
yum clean all
yum update
we kept the version # without change
not hitting a license limit?