I cannot sign into the portal after updating the user portal password for an extension via the API.
When I go to the weblink for the API, I go to 'PUT /api/extensions/{extension}' section. Entered in test extension 555 and body { "pass" : "SuperDuper" }
I execute it and it runs correctly.
- If I do a GET on the extension via the API, it shows the correct password.
- If I check it in the web portal under admin credentials, it shows the correct password.
- If I log into the MySQL and query "select pass from user_extensions where name = 555;" it shows the correct password.
If I try to log in, it just fails.
I have to go to the web portal under admin credentials and update the extension's password from there.
If I enter the same password, I still fail on login. I am guessing it checks for changes before submitting.
If I enter a new password in the web portal, it will log me in successfully.
If I put the password to the same failed password previously from the web portal, it will log me in successfully.
Any thoughts or am I missing something?
PBX Manager
Asterisk 11.25.1