Calling internal extensions works, but the ringer is silent. Inspecting the scripts it it turns out that this line in [macro-tl-stdexten]
exten => s,n,ExecIf($[$[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} < 7] & $[${DB_EXISTS(TL/TENANT/${tenant}/usedistinctring)}]],SIPAddHeader,Alert-Info: <${DB(TL/TENANT/${tenant}/intalertinfo)}>)
Produces an empty alert-info sip header: Alert-Info: <>.
Commenting out the line, makes the ringer audible.
Have I overlooked some setting somewhere?
If you're using the Polycom
If you're using the Polycom phones, and the Thirdlane provisioning, add this to local-settings.cfg:
Just below
and above .
Then set "Use distinctive ring for internal calls" feature to "Yes" with a value of "Internal." Turning this feature off does not work, at least for some phones. Turning it off worked for half our phones and the other half it didnt.
Reboot your phones and you should be good to go. If you're rolling your own config files, add that line to sip.cfg around line 11 or so. You'll see a similar line (search for alertInfo).
shoot, it stripped my XML
shoot, it stripped my XML tags. Trying again. Remove any spaces between the < and > characters and the text.
If you're using the Polycom phones, and the Thirdlane provisioning, add this to local-settings.cfg:
< alertInfo
voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.class="1"/ >
Just below
< alertInfo
voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="Ring Answer"
voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="4"/ >
and above < /voIpProt >.
Then set "Use distinctive ring for internal calls" feature to "Yes" with a value of "Internal." Turning this feature off does not work, at least for some phones. Turning it off worked for half our phones and the other half it didnt.
Reboot your phones and you should be good to go. If you're rolling your own config files, add that line to sip.cfg around line 11 or so. You'll see a similar line (search for alertInfo).
According to this thread, I'm blind too...