In the connect client we get the message that the office phone is not connected.
I can't get this notice to disappear and the phone is connected to the server.
How can we resolve this issue?
Submitted by cleartalk on Wed, 09/12/2018
Client: electron_win32
Version: 2.0.2
Build number: 2020003
Build date: 7/31/2018, 9:47:16 PM
Messaging server version: 0.10.1
Telephony server version: 11.25.3
Platform version:
Connect API version: 1.2.1
--yum installed--
thirdlane-connect-downloads.noarch 2.0.2-36.el6
thirdlane-connect-mt.noarch 2.0.2-1.el6
thirdlane-prosody.x86_64 1.0-16.el6
service prosody status
Prosody is running with PID 45097
Communications Manager 9.0.2
Do you need any more information?
Submitted by AdrianSimpson on Fri, 06/21/2019
What version of Communications Manager and Connect are you currently using?
You can check if prosody service is running.