I was curious if anyone has Connect working with vTiger CRM? We are attempting to test various CRM platforms before offering the Connect integration and vTiger was our first. The documentation is a bit limited, so hoping that someone has a bit more insight.
Under Connect/Integrations, we have added the contact source for vTiger. We've added the username (email), password for said user, and server URL. We've tried both https://www.vtiger.com/log-in/ as well as the URL for our Dashboard, but if you go to it without credentials, it will redirect to the prior URL.
We've added vTiger to the search options for the contacts but are not having any luck on integration. I'm unsure if I need to enable something on the vTiger side as it is not noted in the docs.
Also, does this integration offer screen pops of the contact, or just look ups that come in to Connect? Do the notes you add to the call get added to the CRM?
Thanks in advance.
FYI - you need to specify
FYI - you need to specify access key as password (you can find it in "My Preferences" in CRM web UI ) and use URL: https://your_vtiger_instance_url/webservice.php
We try to keep integrations as current as possible, but CRMs change their API, so there is no way to guarantee that all versions work, especially with the CRMs that offer private installations.