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unable to change some fileds in tenant management

Posted by gerteizinga on Mon, 12/22/2008

I’m not able to change all the properties on the tenant screen (basically the fileds below)

When I change one of the following fields and save the Config

Allow tenant to manage Caller IDs Yes
Default External Caller ID XXXXXX
Default External Caller ID Name XXXXXX
Use distinctive ring for internal calls Yes
Alert Info for internal calls XXXXXXXX

Then I see the following after a save and reload

Allow tenant to manage Caller IDs
Default External Caller ID
Default External Caller ID Name
Use distinctive ring for internal calls
Alert Info for internal calls

This is on our staging machine which runs the latest version of Thirdlane, On the production platform everything works fine (this runs PBX Manager

I tried to compare all files between the production and the staging platform, but I couldn’t find these fields anywhere (eg tenants.include)

Can you please point where these fields are stored, I think this problem is due to a rights issue (the staging machine runs a backup from the production)



Submitted by thirdlane on Mon, 12/22/2008 Permalink

These fields are stored in Asterisk database under TL/TENANT/xxx where xxx is the tenant name.

Are you getting any warnings about not being able to connect to the Asterisk Manager interface? What is the difference between the machines? I assume both run the same version of Asterisk?

Submitted by gerteizinga on Tue, 12/23/2008 Permalink

Hi Alex,

they do not run the same version, (the staging runs a newer version) Can this cause this? and how can i change the file settings for this asterisk database?

Submitted by gerteizinga on Wed, 12/24/2008 Permalink

Hi Alex

I checked ownership of the file (and other files in the same dir) and set them to "Thirdlane", but still when i make a change, the change is not stored

Any thoughts


Submitted by gerteizinga on Thu, 01/08/2009 Permalink

Hi Alex

i downgraded the asterisk version and now it works as it should

Thanx for the hint

