I just had a request from my customer to provide SMS text messaging for new Voice Mail to mobile phones. This is a feature the customer had on the Asterisk 1.2/Teldori GUI PBX that I just replaced with Thirdlane ST ISO.
The customer said the old system was sending a text message to the users moble phone when they got VM. I was not aware that this was something asterisk may do already.
I started to poke around on the basic asterisk forums but am finding more bad than good information as always. I am always been impressed with the feedback I see hear so I thought I would see who has tried this already and can give me a pointer in the right direction.
in sms pager i only get the
in sms pager i only get the cid name not number how could i add cid number,
i already tried inserting ${VM_CIDNUM} in voicmail.conf no luck
i also tried to add from ${VM_CALLERID} in the subject line of the email ntification and no success either
any thoughts
make sure you are altering
make sure you are altering pagerbody not emailbody, they are different messages.
pagerbody=New ${VM_DUR} long msg in box ${VM_MAILBOX}\nfrom ${VM_CIDNAME} (${VM_CIDNUM}), on ${VM_DATE}
i did that in pagerbody=New
i did that in pagerbody=New ${VM_DUR} long msg in box ${VM_MAILBOX}\nfrom ${VM_CIDNAME} (${VM_CIDNUM}), on ${VM_DATE}
still no luck i tried to roload after but not woeking either
any thoughts
i believe that that specific
i believe that that specific change requires a restart of asterisk, not a reload.
its under the pager section..
if the pager email-to-sms address is 3155551212@mobile.att.net then in the extension configuration there is a 'notify by pager' section where you select the option and insert the email address for the text only message. It does not try to attach the .wav file to the pager email, this is only for pager notification that includes the data defined in voicemail.conf.