I noticed that if I define a playlist for music on hold, Asterisk chokes if there are spaces in the filename. It claims it can’t find the file. That could be a real problem if someone is uploading from a Windows machine. A one liner $filename =~ tr/ /_/; would obviously fix that.
Submitted by eeman on Sat, 02/14/2009
Submitted by k3leland on Mon, 11/15/2010
its been on my 'what the fuck where you thinking!' gripe list against Micro$oft since Windoze95. They're the illegitimate bastard child that started that whole crap :) Anyone using spaces in filenames are sheep. :)
name correction should be on any upload UI of an application, you don't want \ / < > * @ & % , either.
Did you smack the customer around a bit ;-)