Hi, does any one know how we can trace the activities that an admin made in the system?
Some LOG that show for example the date, admin user and activity will be perfect.
Submitted by eeman on Wed, 03/25/2009
Submitted by dbenders on Thu, 03/26/2009
:-( I guess that answer. Is
I guess that answer. Is there any plan for that in the future? I thing that this is very important because when we get more than 2 admins in a server, some one make things by mistake that can cause a problem and there is no way to know who did the mistake.
Alex, can you put this in the feature wanted? I think that is not hard to write a LOG File each time you press the save button. You just need to save the DATE, TIME, IP, ADMINUSER, COMMAND. With that will be great!
does not exist