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Streaming used for Music-on-Hold

Posted by awelzl on Thu, 02/14/2008

Hi all,

I have following issue with music-on-hold. I am using an ogg stream for my music on hold with ogg123. That's works quite well, but if the moh starts Asterisk is playing some music from cache (stored any time earlier), stops after e.g. 10 secs and then starts with the live stream. I googled a lot but could not find any answer to solve it.

My optimal situation would be a moh, which starts with "Please hold the line" and the starts the live stream. How can that be realized?

Thx for for help in advance,

Submitted by bup413 on Fri, 10/23/2009 Permalink

Is there a best practice for streaming a MMS stream via VLC or the likes? I have a radio station client that wants there broadcast, via there media server, to be their on hold music.

Submitted by eeman on Fri, 10/23/2009 Permalink

MTE or STE? I'd be fairly nervous doing this on MTE because of the nature of 'resource' modules and how they interact with all existing channels.

Submitted by bup413 on Fri, 10/23/2009 Permalink

Ideally on MTE and I would like to try on MTE, that said, if it causes problems I would then put STE locally at this location.

If you can explain the configuration for MTE and STE so I can test and play a little I would appreciate it.

I did verify VLC to stream the media on Linux so my disconnect is how to stream that into the MOH on MTE or STE. or if I need to use another media player in order to work with 3rd Lane

I also have a 6 other radio stations within this group which in time will each want their own stream for MOH. Can I do multiple stream for MOH or do a different stream per tenant?

Is there a store and forward method that may work? For example. If I drop a media server (or client) on the network with MTE that writes to an mp3 via NFS mount to MTE, would MTE just keep playing the MP3? Just a thought!



Submitted by gregshap on Sat, 10/24/2009 Permalink


I would imagine the radio stations would want live streams so they can have a contest or talk show where the caller knows they are coming up soon on the air.

Just saying this after being a broadcast engineer for 31 years.


Submitted by bup413 on Sun, 10/25/2009 Permalink

I agree. The idea of store and forward is more along the lines of a buffer where the delay from the stream writing the file to the MOH reading the file would be only a few seconds.

Submitted by eeman on Mon, 10/26/2009 Permalink

For using a streaming source, use the "streamplayer" tool that comes with Asterisk (see musiconhold.conf.sample for more info)
application=/usr/sbin/streamplayer 888
Note (rchadwel): Streamplayer only works with a RAW TCP stream and will not stream from Shoutcast or Slimserver. For those you need to continue to use mpg123 or madplay.