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SIP Trunk Hosting

Posted by macjacfish on Mon, 12/14/2009

Is it possible(advisable) to host SIP trunks for other PBX systems with MTE? Have a customer with a remote Grandstream PBX who I would like to aim at my MTE and have them share our SIP pool.

If this has potential...can anyone give some direction on how to set it up?

Submitted by eeman on Tue, 12/15/2009 Permalink

NO, MTE is an end-point pbx its dialplan overwrites data that would be sent by your customers such as callerid etc. Additionally end-point pbx's butcher the CDR logs. Without another box maintaining good CDR you would not be compliant with either CALEA or CPNA requirements.

You should build yourself a vanilla asterisk gateway to provide sip trunks to your customers (and your MTE box while you are at it) so that numbers you own stay on your network and so that you get clean CDR.

Submitted by dbenders on Wed, 01/06/2010 Permalink

Maybe I don't understand the requeriments, but we are providing SIP Trunk Hosting. We are doing that because we provide a local number and then we terminate the calls.

To do that, we give the other side a user and password that is just a "Special Lines" under the PBX Features Menu.