I'm deploying a non mte pbx that will have phones that register to it from 3 different area codes until I add the other 2 servers at the respective sites. However, in the meantime I want the phones in the other area codes to be able to do a 7 digit dial. Does anyone know of a way to add in different routes for different extensions? Or of a way that I could get this to work how I described?
Any assistance would be much appreciated
i've implemented a solution
i've implemented a solution for brandon using setvar=ExtNPA=xxx (where xxx is the desired NPA). then implemented a simple modification to tl-dialout script for 7 digit dialing to prepend the variable ${ExtNPA}
jim sturtevant
sigma networks
setvar is a depreciated
setvar is a depreciated function that will stop working abruptly on the customer at some point when he/she decides to update asterisk for a security fix. As a solution we created the Custom Tag field in the user extension that stores the values in the ASTDB. You can retrieve the value via the DB function. This is a more permanent solution that acheives the same goal, its just storing the value differently.
If the phones are Polycom, you can use RR1555RxxxxxxxT in your digit map. Substitute the proper area code for each phone, of course.