I have a customer with about 40 extensions who needs something like FOP. I think someone here said that FOP is a resource hog, but I don't know another way to provide the functionality for that many extensions without buying several side-cars.
I've got FOP working for some of my tenants, but I can't seem to get it going for this one. It seems to be complaining about the context when I try to transfer a call. This is from the * cli when I did a transfer. The call originated from the outside and came in via a sip trunk.
== Spawn extension (from-inside-WR, 303-WR, 0) exited non-zero on 'SIP/' in macro 'tl-userexten-base'
== Spawn extension (from-inside-WR, 303-WR, 0) exited non-zero on 'SIP/' in macro 'tl-stdexten'
== Spawn extension (from-inside-WR, 303-WR, 0) exited non-zero on 'SIP/'
-- Executing [303-WR@from-inside-WR:1] Macro("SIP/", "tl-set-variables2|from-inside-redir-WR|WR") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:1] Set("SIP/", "__tenant=WR") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:2] Set("SIP/", "CDR(userfield)=WR") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:3] Set("SIP/", "MY_CHAN=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:4] Set("SIP/", "zap=0") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:5] GotoIf("SIP/", "1?usechannel") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-tl-set-variables2,s,10)
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:10] Set("SIP/", "MYEXTENSION=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:11] Set("SIP/", "MYID=WR-") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:12] Set("SIP/", "__MOH=default-WR") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:13] GotoIf("SIP/", "1 ?setmoh") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-tl-set-variables2,s,15)
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:15] SetMusicOnHold("SIP/", "default-WR") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-set-variables2:16] Goto("SIP/", "from-inside-redir-WR|303-WR|1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-inside-redir-WR,303-WR,1)
== Channel 'SIP/' jumping out of macro 'tl-set-variables2'
-- Sent into invalid extension '303-WR' in context 'from-inside-redir-WR' on SIP/
-- Executing [i@from-inside-redir-WR:1] Playback("SIP/", "invalid") in new stack
-- Playing 'invalid' (language 'en')
Does anyone have an idea what could be happening? I'm telling FOP to use context from-inside-WR for all buttons for this tenant. Does anyone of a better attendant console for this kind of thing?
The $599 version mentions
The $599 version mentions multi tenant.
I have a call into sales at i9.
Would love to hear other people's impressions.
I tried installing it today,
I tried installing it today, but was never able to get it started. I wonder if I'm having problem with my JRE install.
isymphony Setup
Hi eeman,
I think you had mentioned using isymphony in a prevoius post as well. Can you give us a little more info, on how you are using it?
1) Are you using MTE?
2) Is isymphony running on a separate server than Thirdlane/Asterisk?
3) How many isymphony users have you been able to have running at the same time?
4) Is there anything speacial required for the setup with Thirdlane
That's it for now.
Chris A
I've managed to get
I've managed to get isymphony installed on an elastix box, but the windows client keeps disconnecting. It would really be interesting to hear if it works with MTE.
yes I have it running with
yes I have it running with MTE. Sorry for the slow response, i was in another state watching my nephew graduate law school.
to answer some of the questions..
1) yes
2) yes, but it can easily run on the same server.
3) as many as i have licenses for
4) understanding the contexts, understanding that the tenant names must be identical to the PBX manager tenant names, understanding that SIP/566 isn't going to call the person, you need to add the dash and tenant names so its SIP/566-bgn etc.
you pay $595 for the server license which would cover one tenant and one client connection
each additional tenant is $199
each client connection is $20 and is licensed at the tenant level. So tenant X's 20 licenses wont overlap with tenant Y's 5 licenses and vice versus.
a queue license ($50) allows you to manipulate calls within a queue (stealing calls, redirect calls to etc).
Just got off the phone with
Just got off the phone with Sean Heatherington of i9 Technologies.
He confirmed all the pricing from Erik but added that with the server license of $595 you get a client and queue license. The tenant license also comes with a client and queue license.
They offer free two week trials, you just have to sign up on the website. For free installation support of the trial call the main number, (505) 246-4220, and ask for Michael.
He said they have customers world wide and are focusing on iSymphony. His cell phone is 505-235-0998 if someone has any questions for him.
I should also mention that
I should also mention that if you purchase now, you will get all upgrades/updates until 2.9X.
Existing users will most likely have to pay 50% of MSRP to get to 3.X.
They are putting together an online demo and will have support packages available soon.