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Posted by brian on Fri, 02/19/2010


Would it be possible to have an option to move routes 'up and down' ?

If you have a route matching a dial string that is also matched by a dialstring in a previous route and you want the new route to take priority the only was I can see of doing it at the moment is deleting the other dialstring adding the new route then adding the old one again.


Submitted by eeman on Fri, 02/19/2010 Permalink

this shows your misunderstanding of patterns. Patterns operate in a Most specific to least specific fashion within a context. They do not work like firewall rules or ACLs

lets say the dialed number is 8005551212

you have


include => context2

exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,
exten => _800NXXXXXX,1,
exten => _8XXNXXXXXX,1,


exten => 8005551212,1,
exten => 800555XXXX,1,

then the 800NXXXXXX pattern is going to be the line executed. Had none of the patterns in context1 not matched, then it would have traversed the 'include' contexts.