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Asterisk 1.6 Upgrade

Posted by abongard on Thu, 03/04/2010

We are currently at asterisk and we are planning on upgrading to asterisk

Are there any issues in this version working with MTE?

When we run "make menuselect" there are a range of options, should be be leaving the defaults or is there anything we should choose?

i.e. like the new G711 new algorithm and G711 reduced branching?

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 03/04/2010 Permalink

i have had to regress to due to some dtmf bugs that have resulted in no dtmf being sent to the carrier. be advised.

Submitted by eeman on Thu, 03/04/2010 Permalink

those have even more issues. I tried 1.6.1.every version and when my call waiting kicks in I get a one-way audio call. Latest versions also have the same DTMF problem. Basically the DTMF problem happened mid 1.6.1.x release and they merged those changes into and as well as later 1.6.0.x versions. Theres an 'acknowleged' bug in the tracker but noone getting off their ass to fix it. Breaking DTMF should have the highest level of attention. Maybe if someone called danny whyndham and said 'dude, how can you release a product when DTMF isnt even working' it might get some attention. I know that when the AA50 first came out they broke call parking and we literally did that same thing to Danny, who was completely caught off guard. It was fixed in 30 days. Noone was even reporting back to him the obviously embarrassing fact that they released a product and have a bug making a _very_ expected feature not work.

one more peice of 1.6.x.x advice... delete your extensions.ael file and restart asterisk. When present a 'reload' will lose all your subscriptions. Try it, turn on hints for a few phones, do a 'sip show subscriptions' then issue a reload and rerun the subscription command... empty table.

Submitted by ryan.tuttle on Tue, 03/09/2010 Permalink

I am currently running asterisk and I'm looking to potently switch to 1.6. Main reason is for SLA support. While I have SLA working the problem is in 1.4 you have to restart asterisk with making any changes to the sla.conf file (very hard to setup new customers when you have to end all the active calls!) I was wonder the best way to do this upgrade, what things I need to do to thirdlane after the upgrade, etc.