Hi there first pos for me.
Just having a play with 3rd lane dialler. Seems nice little app. I am using it on trixbox, and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what the criteria is for detecting numbers in emails,
It seems to read some and present to dial window in outlook, but not others. Cant see any configuration settings for that anywhere. is is number length , spaces between numbers or something else? I cant work out the format it needs to know. Also is there a add in for dialling numbers in web pages and docs?
Thanks in advance
I know that it will work with
I know that it will work with callto: URLs. Look through the options...it is supposed to autodetect I believe.
You can also load your outlook contacts into the little app (not the outlook plugin) and dial that way.
Thanks for the reply, I live
Thanks for the reply, I love this little app, it is so simplie , easy to use and easy to install, but i was referring to how it identifies phone numbers in emails. That seems to be a bit inconsistent, I cant work out how some numbers are recognized and some not. Also is there a paid version I can use for other asterisk distros that does screen / tray pop?
the code is quite old
the code is quite old (written in VB6) and the screen pop portion you mentioned has some limitations.
1) the application's ip is registered in the ASTDB when it logs in
2) the TL dialplan has a script called TL-notify which sends a ip packet to that IP
3) the desktop daemon, listening on 12001, receives that data and looks up a matching contact
now consider the impact of the gui being on a public network and the application residing on an RFC1918 address behind a firewall. Suddenly its trying to send an ip packet to a non-adjustable port (12001) on the firewall's external ip which would get rejected outright.
if you are looking for a screen pops, callerid popups, and similar functions that is platform agnostic you should consider iSymphony. It listens to the AMI and performs popups when it see's your channel getting called.
thirdlane dialer
The dialer id a simple application and as Erik mentioned does have some limitations.
As far as the phone number recognition - dialer makes the best effort to do that but as you can imagine it can not be 100% accurate parsing free form emails. Note that you can always paste the number before dialing - it is not perfect but does save a little time. It also support callto urls - so you can create a list of those from your directory (as a web page) and use that for click-to-dial.
You can also load phone numbers into the dialer and use the floating toolbar with its quick incremental matching.