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Installing Flash operator panel with ThirdLane

Posted by rockinthesixstring on Wed, 05/28/2008

Does anyone have any kind of simple tutorial on how to install the Flash Operator Panel and work with ThirdLane? I have looked at i9 but I am not prepared to spend $700 at this time.

Submitted by eeman on Wed, 05/28/2008 Permalink

I would rather run the unlicensed/free version of isymphony than run FOP. It just doesnt work well, and is very slow to report the real state of an extension. It takes a while to show a phone on a call and subsequently shows an extension busy for some duration after the call actually ended.

Submitted by rockinthesixstring on Wed, 05/28/2008 Permalink

Thank you for your reply. I ended up paying the FOP developer to install it for me... guess I shoulda waited for a response first.

Oh well... Live and learn

Submitted by eeman on Tue, 06/10/2008 Permalink

I am running it with MTE, just make sure the tenants in isymphony are named identically to the tenant name within thirdlane. Additionally when you enter the extension number (ex 512) the channel automatically creates itself as SIP/512, you need to add the dash and tenant name here. Example, if your tenant name in thirdlane is bgnv then the extension area would appear as:

Extension: 512

Peer: SIP/512-bgnv

Voice Mail Box: 512@default-bgnv

Submitted by ipfreely on Tue, 06/10/2008 Permalink


How are you selling this to your customers?

Is it included, or is there a charge per month or 1 time.



Submitted by eeman on Tue, 06/10/2008 Permalink

a little of both, there is a setup charge to cover the tenant license and then add to the per/month cost of the extensions.

Submitted by ryan.tuttle on Tue, 03/17/2009 Permalink

I have everything working accept when I try to place a call from isymphony and it rings the extension but as soon as I pick up the call the call drops. Could you please let me know how you setup your tenants and profiles so I can verify that I have it setup correctly.

Thank you,

Submitted by ryan.tuttle on Tue, 03/17/2009 Permalink

Ok, so I just had to change the tenant contexts to "from-internal-".