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MOH not working.

Posted by rmartinez on Wed, 04/21/2010

I just uploaded a WAv sound to use with the MOH from a tenant.
This is what i'm gettnig in the asterisk console :

[Apr 21 12:58:42] WARNING[9763]: format_wav.c:184 check_header: Unknown block - not fact or data
[Apr 21 12:58:42] WARNING[9763]: file.c:368 fn_wrapper: Unable to open format wav
[Apr 21 12:58:42] WARNING[9763]: res_musiconhold.c:271 ast_moh_files_next: Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/moh/cluster/default/fpm-cluster-usandthem': No such file or directory

However if i check the directory the file is in there:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1939794 Apr 21 12:47 fpm-calm-river.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2151540 Apr 21 12:54 fpm-cluster-usandthem.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2582196 Apr 21 12:47 fpm-sunshine.wav

along with two other files that plays without any problems.

The file is a wav 16bit Mono 8Khz.

fpm-cluster-usandthem.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz

What could be the problem?

Ricardo Martinez.-

PS. I'm using : Multitenant PBX Manager with Asterisk

Submitted by rmartinez on Wed, 04/21/2010 Permalink

Forget it.. i used
sox file-in.wav -r 8000 file-out.wav
it works...

Now.. How can i be sure if an administrator in the PBX is uploading a file to customize his service that the file is OK?.
For me the file seems ok... 16bits.. WAV, 8Khz, Mono... despite of this the file didn't work.


Submitted by eeman on Wed, 04/21/2010 Permalink

i cant answer that one :-) .. Since I dont want users uploading mp3's I just make them give me the audio file and run it through sox myself. I think it comes up maybe once every couple of months. If they do it when we set their tenant up we can just do it as part of their dialplan interview/configuration.

Submitted by moshe on Wed, 04/21/2010 Permalink

Make sure your default folder on the admin portal mode is set to files and format is set to slin

If it set properly you may try the following
I had a similar issue and I used to recreate the file as stereo saved it than re saved from the stereo to pcm 8000 khz 16 bit mono and it start working

But first make sure the setting are right

Submitted by moshe on Wed, 04/21/2010 Permalink

Make sure your default folder on the admin portal mode is set to files and format is set to slin

If it set properly you may try the following
I had a similar issue and I used to recreate the file as stereo saved it than re saved from the stereo to pcm 8000 khz 16 bit mono and it start working

But first make sure the setting are right