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MySQL Password!

Posted by charlieboisseau on Tue, 05/04/2010


I have been looking for the password to MySQL on my MTE box, however can't seem to find it. I know this has been asked lots; but is Thirdlane setup by default with a different MySQL password? We installed from the ISO, and I don't think we've ever done anything with mYSQL - so it should just be default.

If the answer is no - there isn't any default... What is Thirdlane using to login to save CDRs etc? Also, I could always reset the root password, however will this not cause Thirdlane to be unable to get access?

Thanks for your help.


Submitted by cbbs70a on Tue, 05/04/2010 Permalink

Thirdlane should use the default MySQL login/passwd. Isn't it shown in the section CDR settings? How about /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf? How about /etc/asterisk/res_mysql.conf?

If not, you should know how to do passwd recovery. I don't want to take away all your fun, so Google the phrase "mysql reset password root".


Submitted by charlieboisseau on Tue, 05/04/2010 Permalink

Excellent! That did the job. The password was hidden in /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf.

Thanks very much.
