Having trouble making directed pickup work. I'm using multideviceexten to send inbound calls to two extensions. It is setting PICKUPMARK to the inbound DID, but shouldn't it be setting it to the dialed number?
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-multidevice-exten:1] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-b7d2fd30", "__DIALED_NUMBER="1xxxxxxxxxx") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-multidevice-exten:2] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-b7d2fd30", "__PICKUPMARK=1xxxxxxxxxx-env") in new stack
When the phones start ringing I dial *77110 (*77 is the feature, and 110 is one of the extensions) to pick it up, and I get an error.
-- Executing [*77110@from-inside-redir-env:1] Macro("SIP/113-env-b6775890", "tl-directed-call-pickup|3") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-directed-call-pickup:1] Pickup("SIP/113-env-b6775890", "110-env@PICKUPMARK") in new stack
tl-multidev-exten is NOT
tl-multidev-exten is NOT supposed to be used as an inbound route. its an extension handler like userexten and stdexten. Thats why you are having the problem.
change that users extension to multidevexten and use the goto user extension script.
Rats! Multidev-exten is
Rats! Multidev-exten is working great for a good many of our inbound routes. Didn't realize we shouldn't use it for that. I switched this one over like you said, and directed pickup is working. Guess I've got to go clean up some inbound routes.
Thanks, Erik!
It works fine if I use tl-goto-user-extension....
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside:1] Wait("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "1") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside:2] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "__INCOMINGCLI=xxxxxxxxxx") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside:3] Goto("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "from-outside-redir|xxxxxxxxxx|1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-outside-redir,xxxxxxxxxx,1)
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-redir:1] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "DIALED_PUBLIC_NUMBER=xxxxxxxxxx") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-redir:2] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "DIALED_NUMBER=xxxxxxxxxx") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-redir:3] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "status=1") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-redir:4] GotoIf("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "1?7") in new stack
-- Goto (from-outside-redir,xxxxxxxxxx,7)
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-redir:7] GotoIfTime("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "*|*|*|*?from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env|xxxxxxxxxx|1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env,xxxxxxxxxx,1)
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env:1] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "__tenant=env") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env:2] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "CDR(userfield)=env") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env:3] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "MOH=default-env") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env:4] GotoIf("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "0?nomoh") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env:5] SetMusicOnHold("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "default-env") in new stack
-- Executing [xxxxxxxxxx@from-outside-xxxxxxxxxx-tl-allhours-env:6] Macro("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "tl-goto-userextension|110|") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-goto-userextension:1] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "CALLERID(name)=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-goto-userextension:2] Goto("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "local-extensions-env|110|1") in new stack
-- Goto (local-extensions-env,110,1)
== Channel 'SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8' jumping out of macro 'tl-goto-userextension'
-- Executing [110@local-extensions-env:1] Macro("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "tl-stdexten|SIP/110-env|110@default-env|") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-tl-stdexten:1] Set("SIP/dj5bhc-08b5e6d8", "__DIALED_NUMBER=110") in new stack