There are only 5 fields there to enter a number to be blocked. Should be dynamic - as many as needed or desired - 5 is not nearly enough....
your thoughts..?
I've created a replacement page for this
I've created a replacement web page for call blocking in the user portal. I guess I have alot of people that I don't want to talk to either. The page is identical to the original one except that it has 20 fields each defined for allowed and blocked numbers instead of 5. The PERL script is too long to post here, so if you're interested in trying it out, shoot me an e-mail at frank (at) digennaro (dot) com.
I am curious, why couldn't
I am curious, why couldn't the page be constructed the way the manual bulk generator page is constructed where an 'Add' button just adds another row to the page. Isnt the list processed with a 'while' loop so that the end of the list isnt dependent on number of entries?
No reason really, except
No reason really, except that I wanted to keep the original look of the page. Certainly adding rows dynamically is another good way of doing it.
any comments on this feature request..?