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google voice

Posted by George on Fri, 09/17/2010

We have had quite a few customers asking for voice mail to txt.

In looking at the different options out there it would seem providing an option to disable the internal voice mail feature and allow you to put in a number so when the system sends a call to voicemail it will forward what call to for example a google voice number.

We have testing this by disabling a voice mail box "or setting the timer higher" and using the ring extension and then forwarding to #. Looking at the dial plan it seems this would be simple enough to do only getting the option added to the interfaced has to be done by TL.



Submitted by thirdlane on Tue, 09/21/2010 Permalink


What's wrong with using the existing options the way you already do? Isn't forwarding to email a reasonable option?

Let me know - perhaps I am missing something.

Submitted by George on Wed, 09/22/2010 Permalink

It does work "as a work around", not very clean, lots of room for errors and can be confusing to simple workers with other #'s in the call forwarding it's get messy,

It would seem that it would be much cleaner to just provide an option to use default voice mail or forward voice mail to..# this way call forwarding can be used for whats its designed for..


Submitted by eeman on Sat, 10/09/2010 Permalink

google just announced an end to their free 411 service. This could mark the beginning of the end of googles 'dabble' in voice services. Its probably best not to invest too much time integrating google voice for now as they are proving to be VERY fickle about sticking with something they start. IT would be a real shame to invest a lot of time integrating their features only to have the rug pulled out from us the way they are doing with many of their other pet projects.

George, there are actually better services out there for VM transcriptions.. they work by sending the VM-to-Email message to a different email address that then transcribes the message and forwards all parts on to the real address.

Submitted by George on Sun, 10/10/2010 Permalink

it will be too bad if they cancel that service for some, but that being said my request requires every little programing and integration and will work with any external system voice mail system.

but thanks for the heads up