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Console Warning when leaving voicemails

Posted by k3leland on Fri, 10/08/2010

This line is failing, however I do not know why it is even running in the first place.
Why is nc being invoked from the dialplan?
What is the purpose of this?

[Oct 8 13:36:38] WARNING[32633]: pbx.c:1344 pbx_exec: The application delimiter is now the comma, not the pipe. Did you forget to convert your dialplan? (TrySystem(/bin/echo -n -e "283:284:James Carson" | nc -w 1 12001))

Submitted by eeman on Sat, 10/09/2010 Permalink

your missing some very critical information when reporting a bug/warning/error etc. such as OS versions and software versions of applications.

I believe the line youre referring to is the attempt to send information to the thirdlane dialer application (which doesnt work behind firewalls for obvious reasons).

Submitted by eeman on Mon, 10/11/2010 Permalink

see if putting a backslash before the pipe gets rid of the warning without actually breaking the feature.

Is your PC on a public IP? the only way to test is when its not behind nat.