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Outbound CallerID

Posted by INTACS on Fri, 11/05/2010


We are using MTE 6.1.15

We have set: Allow tenant to manage Caller IDs: YES

We are using OUTBOUND Routes we are using: Dial Out (1 trunks) pass through

On each extension we have specified the: External Caller ID Number

When we dial outbound MTE is passing our CID as the extension number

How can we resolve that issue

Submitted by eeman on Fri, 11/05/2010 Permalink

you confirmed this is specifically whats happening? Theres a few things that could cause you to come to this conclusion without it being the exact case. Check your cdr and perhaps even do a sip capture to confirm.

Submitted by INTACS on Fri, 11/05/2010 Permalink

Confirmed upstream carrier CDR's is showing the Local Extension as the "From CID"

If I use the regular Truck script the correct CID is passed

I have Turn OFF Tenenat Managed CID and it still does the same thing with Passthrough Script

Submitted by eeman on Fri, 11/05/2010 Permalink

i missed that part. you should not be using the passthrough script.. its doing _exactly_ what it says.. its not setting any callerid and trusting it from the other sip end-point.

Submitted by INTACS on Fri, 11/05/2010 Permalink

Ok Erik maybe you can help...

The reason why I am using Passthrough is that we have our Mobile phones set as other numbers to Dial.

But on our phones we DO NOT see the Original CallerID we only SEE our CID.

We would like to know who the caller id IS

Submitted by eeman on Fri, 11/05/2010 Permalink

hmm.. yes... i think its possible.

if you reverse engineer the macro-userexten-base script and the tl-dialout-base script you'll discover how those scripts preserve original callerid when forwarding a call. What you can do is identify the variables that get created by usertexten-base and fake those with the custom command option in the huntlist so that by the time the call reaches tl-dialout-base you've had the variables created in the same way the user forwarding script does it. This should preserve your callerid.

Submitted by INTACS on Mon, 11/08/2010 Permalink

Hey Erik

When I modify this line in the macro-tl-dialout-base

exten => onetrunk,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${TRUNK_CLI_PREPEND_${TRUNK}}



I get the results i want but, NOW calls i dial directly from the phone GO OUT with NO CID

Can you give me method to improvise on that LINE