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How to watch incoming traffic and errors.

Posted by gregshap on Mon, 06/30/2008

My provider wants me to watch for a DID trying to route to the server. How can I do it and capture the results to send to their tech support?



Submitted by cbbs70a on Mon, 06/30/2008 Permalink

I think what you want to do is go to the Asterisk console and watch from there. Make sure you have logging set accordingly in logger.conf.


Submitted by andrewyager on Tue, 07/01/2008 Permalink

As far as watching for a DID, the best thing to do to start with is to run:

core set verbose 10

at the console.

If you don't see any output, stop and restart Asterisk (stop now at the console, safe_asterisk at the command prompt).

Depends on the level of debugging you actually need. The standard options place call flow and debug information to the console.

We have:

console => notice,warning,error

messages => notice,warning,error

which puts notice, warning and error on the system console and the same into the asterisk messages log (/var/log/asterisk/messages).

You could of course limit this if you were happy your system was stable and didn't need anything else. In that case, perhaps only error would need to be displayed. Having this level of output isn't too ownerous in the log files.


Submitted by eeman on Tue, 07/01/2008 Permalink

depending on what you are looking for you could also do

asterisk -r | grep 5025551212

where 5025551212 is the DID you are researching.

this would at least confirm the call entered your machine and give you some amount of information taking place.